When The Weather Gets Warmer...

...then this is what I want to wear. Sofi Fahrman, fashion editor for the Swedish Aftonbladet, looks fantastic in this outfit. I absolutely love the combination of a maxi skirt or a maxi dress teamed with a leather jacket. I just can not get enough of it. Whenever I see someone on the street in this combination I always turn my head, whenever I see a photo of someone wearing this I have to download it straight away, and so on and so on. You can say I have a mild love affair with this look.

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Are you as crazy about this combination as I am? What are you looking forward to wearing when the weather gets warmer?

Ps. I am so sorry for not replying to any of your comments or e-mails yet! I will have more time during the weekend, so please bear with me.

Source: Sofis Mode