Sienna is Airport Chic

I meant to post this last week, but those of you who read Style Spot on a daily basis (I hope there are a few at least!) will know that posts were very limited last week. Sorry about that, again. Anyways, back to Sienna. I have gushed about her airport outfits earlier (and about her style in general), and I'll have to do it again. When thinking about airport outfits, the first thing that comes to mind is Victoria Beckham, who prefers style over comfort, vs. approximately the rest of the world's population, who chooses comfort (in other words, washed out jogging pants). Sienna is one of those who manages to combine both style and comfort perfectly. A pair of comfy jeans (stretch is essential here), a lose shirt, a warm, simple knit teamed together with flats, a large bag to room your magazines, books and i-pods, and last but not least add some simple accessories such as a silk scarf as a belt and elegant earrings. Then you're good to go.

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What do you wear when traveling? Do you prefer style, comfort or a combination of both?

Source: tfs